Yesterday we started by working at the school at 8. Everybody had different jobs, It was my job to paint inside one of the rooms of the school. We used dark blue for the bottom and the light blue for the top. three other students and I did that job while the others drew pictures on the playground or work out on the field to clean the soccer field. We worked for about 3 hours until it was time for lunch, But we didnt have lunch ready for us, we had to make it ourself. We all prepared our meal in different stations.
When we were done we finally got to eat.
After lunch, we started our last activity. We were all divided into groups of 4 and were told to think of a problem we see in Costa Rica and U.S. We all thought of different types of problems and were told to go around to the other groups and see what we thought of the problem they chose, and what ideas we had for them. We went to all of the groups, but didn't finish the activity because we were all very tired and decided to finish the activity tomorrow.
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