Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 2 by Lila

Yesterday we woke up in the wonderfully warm but extremely humid climate of Costa Rica. We woke up and ate a great breakfast of beans and rice looking out on San Jose. We headed out on our way to Chilimate which was about a three hour drive through the rainforest giving us plenty to look at. We took a stop in the middle and ate some different fruits of which I dont remember the names of, but they had some pretty interesting textures.
Our big activity for the day was zip lining whichever as super scary but ridiculously amazing with seven lines across the canopy. Although at some points some of us ended up stuck in the middle because we didn't weigh enough to get across... Aka me and Mia. 
Let's see... In terms of animals we've seen a cocroach, a couple of lizards (on the mirror and in beds), toads, squirrels, and toucans. And there's a lot of animals we've heard but haven't seen. 
All in all it's been amazing.


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