Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 4 by Carson

Grayson and I woke up around 5:30 Costa Rica time, the days here start much earlier with day light breaking at 5:30. Our home stay family is very kind, they treat us as family. Grayson is doing most of the talking but I am learning quickly. Today was the first day at the service protect all of the children seem to be overjoyed with the sight of us. After we left the school we went to the chocolate tour and were able to tast all different stages of the cocoa bean until it is chocolate. When our group returned back at the homes mikayla, Lila, Mia, Waverlee, Grayson and I all gathered at a home with the family's for games. I am so far enjoying my stay here. 
P.S. Happy early birthday Rylee.


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